Summary Table

A moving reminder of the scale of Berkhamsted’s loss, this table gives the name of each pupil the school lost during WWI.

ID Surname Christian Name(s) Rank Date of Death
66 Dillon GCT Lieutenant Not Specified
68 Farrow WE Private Not Specified
70 Fox LH Not Specified Not Specified
71 Gaussen DN 2nd Lieutenant Not Specified
76 Graham-Brown E Not Specified Not Specified
77 Green CH 2nd Lieutenant Not Specified
80 Harrison RE 2nd Lieutenant Not Specified
81 Hartert JC 2nd Lieutenant Not Specified
84 Horsman THJ Private Not Specified
94 Murray NC Captain Not Specified
95 O’Shea WB 2nd Lieutenant Not Specified
96 Patterson AFA 2nd Lieutenant Not Specified
97 Pattison L Not Specified Not Specified
100 Rimer AM Not Specified Not Specified
104 Skett AEP 2nd Lieutenant Not Specified
111 Ward C Private Not Specified
112 Wayland RB Not Specified Not Specified
114 Westwood DA Lance Corporal Not Specified
119 Winchester Lieutenant Not Specified
120 Woodhouse FG Not Specified Not Specified
136 Baker HN Lieutenant Not Specified
137 Balfour GE Captain Not Specified
139 Brian AG Captain Not Specified
142 Bull LR Lieutenant Not Specified
144 Caleb CDN 2nd Lieutenant Not Specified
146 Chambers HM Lance Corporal Not Specified
161 Hooke AD 2nd Lieutenant Not Specified
148 Clemes PH 2nd Lieutenant Not Specified
149 Cragoe HE Not Specified Not Specified
154 Farmar CHB Captain Not Specified
156 Foreshew HJH 2nd Lieutenant Not Specified
157 Glover LJ 2nd Lieutenant Not Specified
159 Hart JK Not Specified Not Specified
171 O’Shea DP Lieutenant Not Specified
177 Shone GB Flying Officer Not Specified
179 Patterson LM Not Specified Not Specified
183 Wakeman FT 2nd Lieutenant Not Specified
185 Watt KM 2nd Lieutenant Not Specified
186 Watson HC Lance Corporal Not Specified
188 Whittaker SG Not Specified Not Specified
191 Asquith GW 2nd Lieutenant Not Specified
248 Willmore EG Not Specified Not Specified
3 Miller Inglis Francis Rowley Lieutenant 13/09/1914
2 Harding Arthur Dennis Lieutenant 30/10/1914
4 Mackenzie Richards Ronald Edward Private 14/11/1914
5 Seton-Browne Montague William Lieutenant 26/11/1914
37 Humphreys Frederick James Surgeon 01/01/1915
39 Jousselin Henri Not Specified 01/01/1915
42 Llewelyn-Davies George 2nd Lieutenant 15/03/1915
14 Sprunt Alexander Dalzell 2nd Lieutenant 17/03/1915
23 Bull Bernard George Sheen 2nd Lieutenant 05/04/1915
32 Johnson Douglas Arthur Private 23/04/1915
128 Lucie-Smith Euan Lieutenant 25/04/1915
16 Unwin Lancelot Urquhart Captain 27/04/1915
46 Scott Alick John Not Specified 07/05/1915
129 Neville Charles Chamiere Not Specified 07/05/1915
15 Thompson Harold 2nd Lieutenant 09/05/1915
22 Brian Herbert Cecil 2nd Lieutenant 09/05/1915
29 Dennys Kenneth Rose 2nd Lieutenant 09/05/1915
41 Krohn Nicholas Adolf 2nd Lieutenant 16/05/1915
45 Neighbour Leslie Gulliver 2nd Lieutenant 16/05/1915
127 Hillier Alan Menzies 2nd Lieutenant 16/05/1915
31 Dunn Eric George Johnson Lance Corporal 18/05/1915
20 Bavin Nigel Benjamin Lieutenant 24/05/1915
122 West Charles Henry Raymond Lieutenant 03/06/1915
10 Parkes Henry Gordon 2nd Lieutenant 04/06/1915
121 Sprunt Edward Lawrence Private 16/06/1915
28 Deighton Frederick Hamilton Lieutenant 18/06/1915
124 Colbourne Eric Krabbe 2nd Lieutenant 27/06/1915
7 Arnell Reginald Brandt 2nd Lieutenant 30/07/1915
25 Cloutman Wolfred Reeve Lieutenant 01/08/1915
19 Webb Gerald Vernon Tisdall Captain 06/08/1915
13 De La Garde Savery Roger Captain 07/08/1915
126 Brunner Francis Wilfred Major 09/08/1915
11 Perry Brian Sergeant 18/08/1915
21 Berlein Leslie Hermann Lieutenant 01/09/1915
36 Hodgins Charles Francis B 2nd Lieutenant 01/09/1915
38 Hutcheson John 2nd Lieutenant 08/09/1915
9 Barclay Eric Callendar Lieutenant 15/09/1915
33 Dyer F.V.A. Captain 25/09/1915
40 Knott Ralph Leonard Lieutenant 25/09/1915
44 Morley John Norris Lieutenant 25/09/1915
6 Allen William Maxey Lieutenant 26/09/1915
43 Mills Joseph C Corporal 28/09/1915
26 Cust Bertram Mitford 2nd Lieutenant 01/10/1915
24 Clixby Edward Denis 2nd Lieutenant 13/10/1915
34 Fripp John Trude 2nd Lieutenant 13/10/1915
8 Bald Alan Henry Captain 15/10/1915
30 Dillon Harry Chester Wentworth Lieutenant 01/11/1915
123 Campbell Archibald Douglas Lerago Captain 18/11/1915
27 Dane Victor Louis Yate Captain 24/11/1915
17 Warren Reginald Douglas Private 07/12/1915
35 Harger Frank Eric 2nd Lieutenant 16/12/1915
115 Whatmoor DG 2nd Lieutenant 19/01/1916
91 Leete WJH Captain 21/01/1916
69 Ferguson EKO Captain 26/01/1916
18 Williamson Alexander 2nd Lieutenant 31/01/1916
106 Stuart MHC 2nd Lieutenant 08/03/1916
56 Bavin Geoffrey Wynne 2nd Lieutenant 01/04/1916
109 Thelwell HW Major 23/04/1916
87 Kirby RD Reverend 29/04/1916
52 Abercrombie Cecil Halliday Lieutenant 31/05/1916
65 Creasy HWH Captain 13/06/1916
88 Lake JSR Captain 16/06/1916
85 Johnson JLL Captain 21/06/1916
72 Giraud NE Sergeant 28/06/1916
47 Dunn Ralph Ellis 2nd Lieutenant 01/07/1916
62 Campbell Robert Alexander Rankine 2nd Lieutenant 01/07/1916
64 Cloudsley H Lieutenant 01/07/1916
93 Middleditch AM Lieutenant 01/07/1916
107 Sweetman RRS Captain 01/07/1916
55 Baron Sydney Percival 2nd Lieutenant 05/07/1916
103 Sargent HW 2nd Lieutenant 05/07/1916
118 Williams VW 2nd Lieutenant 06/07/1916
63 Chambers CC Captain 10/07/1916
79 Hannam SP Lieutenant 11/07/1916
53 Arnell Douglas Garstairs Captain 13/07/1916
61 Burles Raymond P 1st Corporal 15/07/1916
102 Rouquette JH 2nd Lieutenant 15/07/1916
108 Taylor FM Lieutenant 15/07/1916
54 Atkinson Geoffrey William Lieutenant 19/07/1916
12 Roberts Ian Hayward Private 22/07/1916
98 Prout DW 2nd Lieutenant 30/07/1916
113 Webb EC Lance Corporal 01/08/1916
86 Kilby J Private 02/08/1916
57 Bowyer Douglas Michael 2nd Lieutenant 23/08/1916
74 Godson GS Sergeant 24/08/1916
99 Richmond RS Captain 24/08/1916
75 Goffet JG 2nd Lieutenant 03/09/1916
83 Hocken SL 2nd Lieutenant 03/09/1916
116 Wileman GWB 2nd Lieutenant 08/09/1916
92 Luck HJ Private 09/09/1916
82 Hilditch R Lieutenant 14/09/1916
90 Lang WC Private 20/09/1916
110 Thompson G 2nd Lieutenant 23/09/1916
73 Giraud HW Corporal 01/10/1916
59 Brown Edwin Graham 2nd Lieutenant 06/10/1916
58 Bowyer Frank Fellows 2nd Lieutenant 07/10/1916
105 Streatfield-Jones Captain 07/10/1916
78 Gregory SH 2nd Lieutenant 13/11/1916
89 Saint George Lake R Not Specified 17/11/1916
117 Willats HL Captain 17/12/1916
194 Trevarthen JM Not Specified 01/01/1917
163 Macgregor JH Lieutenant 10/01/1917
172 Reckitt CE Surgeon 30/01/1917
189 Wilson JG Captain 01/02/1917
160 Herington PG 2nd Lieutenant 15/02/1917
134 Anderson HFC Lieutenant 17/02/1917
140 Brichta GJO Lieutenant 06/03/1917
175 Rowland SD Major 06/03/1917
173 Richmond FR 2nd Lieutenant 13/03/1917
138 Barton CJ Lieutenant 07/04/1917
170 Nicholls GA 2nd Lieutenant 09/04/1917
169 Nichol AT 2nd Lieutenant 15/04/1917
162 Jennings HC 2nd Lieutenant 03/05/1917
187 Wheater KM 2nd Lieutenant 06/05/1917
165 Mills WL Lieutenant 09/05/1917
184 Warner BO Lieutenant 19/05/1917
145 Canby RL Lieutenant 21/05/1917
150 Culverhouse H Trooper 29/05/1917
164 Maclaren DG 2nd Lieutenant 29/06/1917
147 Chessex REA Lieutenant 09/07/1917
153 Denyer HF Lieutenant 13/07/1917
133 Allen Mervyn Richard William 2nd Lieutenant 02/08/1917
176 Sewell JC Sergeant 11/08/1917
178 Terry LAH Captain 31/08/1917
181 Treadwell RN 2nd Lieutenant 09/09/1917
152 Dann HNG 2nd Lieutenant 15/09/1917
155 Firth F Rifleman 20/09/1917
135 Arnold TS 2nd Lieutenant 11/10/1917
151 Daly STF 2nd Lieutenant 14/10/1917
141 Brunner CH Captain 25/10/1917
143 Burn CS 2nd Lieutenant 05/11/1917
168 Needham JWD 2nd Lieutenant 12/11/1917
180 Trask JH 2nd Lieutenant 20/11/1917
174 Robertson NB Major 01/12/1917
158 Godsill S Lieutenant 23/12/1917
208 Hall AG Major Not Specified
217 Kilby CC Not Specified Not Specified
243 Yonge GB 2nd Lieutenant Not Specified
244 Aitken AB Captain Not Specified
193 Birch WCK Major 05/01/1918
238 Taylor AR 2nd Lieutenant 19/01/1918
199 Dawe SC Not Specified 13/02/1918
218 Krohn EO 2nd Lieutenant 23/02/1918
204 Ensor AV Not Specified 19/03/1918
235 Starkey DM Lieutenant 21/03/1918
226 Perry D Lieutenant 22/03/1918
212 Haynes JE 2nd Lieutenant 23/03/1918
192 Batchelor HW Captain 24/03/1918
231 Shorter WJ Lieutenant 24/03/1918
220 Legg HG Lieutenant 25/03/1918
229 Pretty H Major 25/03/1918
190 Allen SHH Lieutenant 27/03/1918
234 Smith W Lieutenant 02/04/1918
223 Murray GA Captain 05/04/1918
216 Jackson FVM Major 14/04/1918
214 Hedges SW Lance Corporal 16/04/1918
242 Wilson AM Not Specified 16/04/1918
209 Harker EK 2nd Lieutenant 18/04/1918
222 Macbride AB Captain 24/04/1918
227 Perry FB 2nd Lieutenant 24/04/1918
201 Dunlop JFL Lieutenant 08/05/1918
210 Harrison FW 2nd Lieutenant 27/05/1918
250 Bolus Dorethea Voluntary Aid Detachment Probationer 04/06/1918
225 Pearson WR Captain 20/06/1918
228 Pratt SJ Sergeant 05/07/1918
211 Haselden EN Captain 14/07/1918
200 Dixon SC Captain 03/08/1918
197 Brookes WL 2nd Lieutenant 08/08/1918
232 Smith BR Captain 08/08/1918
207 Grove JA Major 10/08/1918
202 Ely HT Lieutenant 01/09/1918
203 Elworthy SR Lieutenant 01/09/1918
249 Hamilton Lorna Mary Not Specified 01/09/1918
237 Sutton HR Not Specified 02/09/1918
215 Humphreys R Lieutenant 05/09/1918
240 Vaisey RM Captain 07/09/1918
206 Gray CD Lieutenant 09/09/1918
219 Leach RO Lieutenant 28/09/1918
241 Wild W Lieutenant 01/10/1918
213 Hedley GM Captain 04/10/1918
236 Stephen JE Lieutenant 14/10/1918
196 Brigg LH Not Specified 20/10/1918
205 Gotch GW Lieutenant 22/10/1918
239 Thornton VH Not Specified 24/10/1918
233 Smith T Lieutenant 28/10/1918
224 Pakenham JWB 2nd Lieutenant Not Specified
195 Blunt EL Captain 02/11/1918
221 Macrobert CN Not Specified 03/11/1918
230 Rouguette APH Lieutenant Commander 15/11/1918
198 Cockburn RCR Lieutenant 25/11/1918
245 Feilden N Lieutenant 22/02/1919
246 Huggins RH Not Specified 28/06/1919
247 Sprunt GH Lieutenant 14/10/1919